Interesting Articles

Depilation "Bikini"

Depilation "Bikini". What is the difference between the classic "Bikini" and "Deep Bikini"? Below you can clearly see the difference between the classic Bikini depilation and the Deep Bikini depilation: As you can see, it’s all about the areas where hair is removed....

How to get rid of ingrown hair at home

Background The problem of growing hair on the legs and other parts of the body is defined as pseudo-folliculitis in medicine. This is a disease that is included in the group of diseases associated with impaired hair growth....


Veet Depilatory Cream

Is it really possible to use in the shower Veet Cream for depilation in the shower? We recommend applying the product before you take a shower. It is better to apply it on dry skin, besides, it is possible to distribute the cream in a more even layer....

Which electric shaver is better rotary or mesh

Electric shaver or machine? Pros and cons Nature has endowed men with stubble, and also the need to shave. In some men, the bristles are strongly pronounced, others are less noticeable, someone has faster bristle growth, someone has a slower one....

How is laser hair removal of the upper lip?

Как избавиться от усиков: лазерная эпиляция верхней губы усики над верхней губой – косметическая проблема, волнующая многих женщин. эпиляция верхней губы лазером – всего лишь один из методов решения данной проблемы....


Hair care
